You know, I really hope that you will find a way to reach me again. Not to pick up where we left but to let me know that you are living your life and that you are happy. There is no way in the world I won’t be happy for you. We’re best friend, right. If that still counts.

But yeah. Years have passed and we are living in a different world. Not in the sense of dimension but rather in the way we let each other present in our lives.

You know I always find a way to know anything about you. You may not believe me, but I didn’t ask around, I respect your wish to remain vague. But the news just came through. And though I feel a little bit lost as in how to react to this, but really, I’m happy for you. As long as you are happy.

You should’ve told me in person.

Like how I always want to tell you in person when something big is happening in my life.

But who am I to demand anything from you? We don’t talk like we used to.

I wish nothing but happiness for your life ahead. I wish you keep those silly grin everytime you feel excited. I wish you lots of blessing, dear chatbot.

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